Thursday, November 3, 2011
Glad That's Over!
The weatherman got it right. We actually did have a nor'easter come through. They named it Storm Alfred. "He" arrived Saturday, knocked out the power around 4pm and now (Thursday) there are still hundreds of thousands of people in CT without power. There are still power lines down in many places. People are pulling their pickup trucks on the side of the highway and taking chainsaws and cutting down the fallen trees for firewood. Andre, Sasha, and I slept in our house Saturday night, but Sunday and Monday we stayed at my brother Paul's house. He has a generator and a woodstove so we had heat, refrigerator, and TV. It was very hard to be out of my own home. I am grateful for the help from my brother and from friends who let us shower at their house, and mom let us do laundry at her house. I extended an invitation on facebook to all of my friends if they need a place to stay, a shower, a hot meal, to do laundry...they are welcome to my house. It was a very good lesson in hospitality, patience, and gratitude. We are fortunate that our power came back on Tuesday at 8 pm. Many people still do not have power yet. It is easy to be grateful now that I am back in my home with heat again. I am supposed to be studying all of the muscles in the human body, but I need to take study breaks and this is one of them. I am so full of gratitude today! Praise be to God.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Chasing Dreams
Good morning! I am so very tired. I have been up til 11pm-1:30am all week studying and I'm exhausted. But I have a dream in my heart that is bigger than my exhaustion. I may be a little crabby at work this morning, but my attitude turns around whenever I think about WHY I am so tired, WHY I am staying up studying so hard. My dream goes a little something like "saving the world, one starving child at a time." My dream, my WHY, is because there are people who need to know that God loves them and I want to tell them. So, if this body is tired, I will give it coffee or rhodiola rosea. If I get a little cranky, I will remind myself to be nice to others. Maybe someday I will get more than a few hours of sleep, but if I don't it will all be worth it. Life is meant to be shared!
What is your dream? What is stopping you from reaching for it?
What is your dream? What is stopping you from reaching for it?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
My Very First Blog Ever
I still don't get the huge popularity of blogging. It's like a phenomenom. But I'm jumping on board anyway. I've recently been reading blogs, two friends and worldvision recently sent some bloggers to Peru to see pre- and post- sponsorship villages so they could blog about it. So, I'm starting to see the impact a blog can have.
So, I am Jamie Lynn Wilson.
I am a beautiful, unique creation, handcrafted by God. Molded by God exactly as God saw I should be. This is true of every single person. That includes you! Today, take a look at yourself through God's eyes.
So, I am Jamie Lynn Wilson.
I am a beautiful, unique creation, handcrafted by God. Molded by God exactly as God saw I should be. This is true of every single person. That includes you! Today, take a look at yourself through God's eyes.
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